0800 032 5433 liam@power-robbins.co.uk

Inheritance Tax Planning – (last updated 28 April, 2014)

As an experienced investor you may be looking at inheritance tax planning products but do not need advice. We would like the opportunity to show you how much we can enhance your plan by sacrificing a large share of the commission normally paid to an adviser.

The plans we are normally able to discount are:-

  • Discounted gift arrangements utilising investment bonds
  • Loan trusts utilising investment bonds
  • Investment bonds with single owner & joint lives assured, that your are planning to use with a will trust
  • Joint life, second death whole of life policies with either guaranteed, reviewable, limited pay or even single premiums
  • Gift inter vivos life insurance to cover the gift on a decreasing term over the 7 year period

In order to show you how much we can save you, please complete the attached illustration request and return this to us at our freepost address or by fax on 01372 450417 or email at discounts@power-robbins.co.uk or finally by phone on 0800 032 5433.

Click here for our notes so that you can understand the process in obtaining a plan illustration followed by an underwritten illustration (where possible) from the company(s) of your choice before you proceed with any actual investment or premium.

You are under no obligation to proceed and should you decided you need advice please contact a professional adviser. Please contact us on freephone 0800 032 5433 if you have any questions on this execution only (non advisory) discount service.

As in all financial matters, if you feel you would benefit from advice you should obtain professional advice elsewhere, rather than using a non-advisory discount service.

Please ensure you read our full terms and conditions, as well as those for your investment and read our leaflet `about our service’ to ensure you enclose the right information including our signed investment agreement.  Please ask us to send you all the relevant information for your investment and our general investor pack. Power Robbins have no hidden charges or penalties of any kind and you are always free to seek professional advice elsewhere should you need it.  We cannot accept any liability for links to external websites, please read our website terms and conditions.  E&OE