0800 032 5433 liam@power-robbins.co.uk

Pensions & SIPPS – last updated 16 April, 2014

If you have decided to add to, transfer or consolidate an existing pension plan with a UK insurance company and you do not require advice, then we can usually boost your pension by reducing the charges by giving up commission into your plan.

The Retail Distribution Review has affected many pensions so that new pension plans do not include commission and therefore we are generally not able to offer a discount.

There are a few exceptions especially with Stakeholder pensions so please let us have the details and we will do our best to help. Please contact us with your proposal and we will do our best to offer an enhancement or discount.

This does not include occupational pension schemes. Please contact us on 0800 032 5433 to see if we can help.

It’s simple to see if we can save you money – just tell us the pension plan you have selected and the amount you will be contributing, and we will send you two illustrations. One will show a standard contract with full commission being paid, and the other will show the effect on your plan of our commission sacrifice. If you have not yet made your choice and wish to see several companies and you are still happy you do not need advice we will provide up to 3 company’s illustrations. You are under no obligation to proceed with these.

If you would like to request illustration(s), please give us the details on this form. You can do this in several ways; by post, by email, fax or freephone using the contact details at the top of this page.