0800 032 5433 liam@power-robbins.co.uk

Our life insurance service

Power Robbins offer a discounted, non-advisory service for life cover. Although we cannot help you choose the type of life cover that is best for you, or the amount of cover that you need, we can answer any administrative questions you may have on how to complete the form.

If you are not sure of the type of cover you require, or if you need advice on the way your policy should be written, please obtain expert advice.

If you would like to see a personal illustration, please complete our request form.

Please read the product guide, key features and your own personal illustration (quotation) before deciding on a particular product or company. If you are replacing an existing policy, please ensure all of the required benefits under your existing policy (including whether written in trust) are included in the new policy.

Please ensure you read our full terms and conditions, as well as those for your investment and read our leaflet `about our service’ to ensure you enclose the right information including our signed investment agreement.  Please ask us to send you all the relevant information for your investment and our general investor pack. Power Robbins have no hidden charges or penalties of any kind and you are always free to seek professional advice elsewhere should you need it.  We cannot accept any liability for links to external websites, please read our website terms and conditions.  E&OE