0800 032 5433 liam@power-robbins.co.uk

Competitive Life Cover


We offer very competitive life cover for execution only clients who know what they want and do not wish to pay for advice.  Please only use this service if you are happy with the cover you need and in return for using our service we discount the commission normally paid by 50% and in some cases, much more to reduce the ongoing premium you’ll pay to the insurance company.  We wish to provide you with the cheapest cover that you have decided on.

If your premium is above £100 per month then please contact us for more competitive terms.

If you are not sure at any stage before going on risk you are free to stop and get advice elsewhere to ensure you are buying the right cover.

There are two ways to obtain a quote with no obligation:-

You can of course at any time ring us on 0800 032 5433 and ask us to send you a quote request pack for you to complete at home.

Help with the Forms

Power Robbins provides a non advisory service. We do not offer advice, but are on hand with factual information to help you make an informed decision. Please feel free to phone us on 0800 032 5433 between 09:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday, if you have any questions about the form.  We also have a useful information sheet below to assist you.

If any of the terms is unfamiliar, please see our jargon buster page.


  • Your completed application form and direct debiting mandate
  • A copy of your personal illustration
  • An original statement, dated within the last three months, from your own personal bank account which you will be using to pay the premiums
  • Power Robbins Investment agreement completed and signed by life/lives assured and policy owner, if different (you may need to download Acrobat Reader to view this)

Please post to us, at


If you are not sure of the type of policy you require, or any additional benefits, please obtain expert advice.

Please read the insurance company’s product guide, key features and your own personal illustration before deciding on a particular product or company. If you are replacing an existing policy, please ensure all of the required benefits under your existing policy (including whether written in trust) are included in the new policy.

Replacing existing policies

If you are considering replacing an existing policy, we strongly recommend that you continue paying premiums on any existing policy until you are informed in writing by the new insurance company that they have taken on the risk of your new life cover policy.

Please ensure you read our full terms and conditions, as well as those for your investment and read our leaflet `about our service’ to ensure you enclose the right information including our signed investment agreement.  Please ask us to send you all the relevant information for your investment and our general investor pack. Power Robbins have no hidden charges or penalties of any kind and you are always free to seek professional advice elsewhere should you need it.  We cannot accept any liability for links to external websites, please read our website terms and conditions.  E&OE