0800 032 5433 liam@power-robbins.co.uk

Investment Funds (includes ISA, ISA & PEP transfers, unit trusts, OEICS, ICVCS fund markets) – last updated 9 Feb, 2015

This list must be read in conjunction with: How to invest, Investment warnings

PLEASE CLICK HERE FOR OUR COMPETITIVE DISCOUNTS. Please ensure you read the notes therein to check for any fund exceptions.

If you cannot find the information you need on this page, please contact us.
Literature is available from the fund management companies directly either by phone, by clicking on the link to the website of the company concerned, or by contacting Power Robbins.

Allianz Global Investors 0870 601 6117 website
AEGON 0800 45 44 22 website
Artemis 0800 092 2051 website
Axa Framlington 0845 777 5511 website
Baillie Gifford 0800 917 2112 website
Baring 0207 628 6000 website
0800 44 55 22 website
BNY Mellon 0500 660000 website
Cazenove 0800 718 7777 website
Credit Suisse * 0207 888 1000 website
Fidelity * 08457 446600 website
First State 0800 5874141 website
F & C Investments 0800 085 2752 website
Gartmore * 0800 289 336 website
GLG (prev SocGen) 0207 016 7000 website
Henderson New Star 0800 832 832 website
Ignis (prev Resolution) 0141 222 8000 website
Insight 0845 777 2233 website
Invesco Perpetual 0800 085 8677 website
Investec 0800 389 2299 website
JPMorgan 0800 204020 website
Jupiter 0500 0500 98 website
Legg Mason 0845 358 1110 website
Liontrust * 0844 892 1007 website
Marlborough 0808 145 2500 website
Neptune 0800 587 5051 website
Norwich Union (AVIVA) 0800 056 2450 website
Old Mutual 0808 100 3579 website
Psigma 0207 747 6999 website
Rathbone 0845 300 2101 website
Rensburg 0845 606 1401 website
Schroder 0800 718 7777 website
T Bailey 0845 130 0005 website
Threadneedle 0800 068 4000 website
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(Fund Market)
Discounts vary according to fund. Click here for our latest list of Cofunds offers. For Cofunds
literature and application forms, contact
FIDELITY FUNDSNETWORK Our Fidelity Fundsnetwork discounts vary between funds. Click here for a list showing the funds available, their full initial charges, and how much initial charge you will pay investing through Power Robbins (this is often zero). Fidelity do have a dedicated investors’ phone line 0800 41 41 61 and also offer a free re-registration service for PEPs, ISAs and direct investment funds. For Fidelity Fundsnetwork literature including full details of charges and their application forms, please contact us telling us whether you’re interested in a new ISA, investing new money in direct investment funds, or transferring an ISA, a PEP or direct investment funds.
Please call us on 0800 032 5433 to
check current discounts before applying.

Our discounts apply to retail class investments only.

Investment Trusts
We do not deal with existing investment trusts, because as a general rule any commission at all that is paid makes an extra charge on the investment, so there is no point in applying via a discount broker.

In the event of new investment trusts being launched, we may be able to save investors money during the launch period. This is because as a general rule, commission paid to introducers during this time is seen as a management expense.

E & O E

Please ensure you read our full terms and conditions, as well as those for your investment and read our leaflet `about our service’ to ensure you enclose the right information including our signed investment agreement.  Please ask us to send you all the relevant information for your investment and our general investor pack. Power Robbins have no hidden charges or penalties of any kind and you are always free to seek professional advice elsewhere should you need it.  We cannot accept any liability for links to external websites, please read our website terms and conditions.  E&OE