0800 032 5433 liam@power-robbins.co.uk

About our service

Power Robbins is a firm of independent financial advisers founded in 1964. Since 1992, we have been giving generous discounts or enhancements to execution only investors who wish to choose their own investments and financial planning products without any hype or chasing sales. Our aim is to offer the highest level of personal service for all your needs with 10 years’ plus experienced staff.

Since the FCA introduced and improved on the Retail Distribution Review (RDR) markets have changed and we are always here to explain what we do and how things have changed.

Our services have continued to improve and adjust to help our investors choose the right service for them. This includes some direct investments and much improved platform services. This includes very competitive platforms with Aegon (our charges are cheaper than going direct) and Fidelity (our charges match those of going direct) with the addition of excellent personal service from staff with 10 plus years’ experience. You will have full online functions and paper-based services from us. Even though you are execution only we will always assist you in your decisions by sending all the information you request, including forms, KIID’s, Terms, etc. We will also assist with your ongoing support by requesting/sending extra valuations on your request. We will have the advantage of being able to see your account online and therefore offering much more prompt and experienced support.

We have always said, “if you know what you want, why pay more”? We aim to offer market-leading personal service without any hype or sales calls. We do not, and never have shared the information you provide to us except for anti money laundering searches (please see our data protection notice).

As an execution only client you would not receive any advice from us on either the suitability or the merits of any particular investment and the associated risks. If you have any doubts about the suitability of any investment, you should seek independent financial advice elsewhere. If you do buy a product through us you are still free at any time to move to an advisory service with another agent should your requirements change and we do not apply any penalties or time limits so you are truly free to obtain the service you require.

How can Power Robbins save me money?

We process your investment applications at the agreed discount (or low-cost servicing on platforms*) sending you confirmation. We require an investment agreement each and every time you invest and always give priority to investments on a same day service and send your investment first class. Please see our checklist overleaf.

If you have any questions, at any time, call our friendly staff – our offers come from commission sacrifice where possible which are included in the product charges. However, our extremely competitive platforms services also have our excellent levels of personal service. In some cases, our offers can still contain special concessions negotiated for our clients with investment managers. Wherever possible we apply our discount directly into your investment.

We currently offer:

  • GENERAL LIFE COVER (including mortgage protection & level term)
  • FIDELITY FUNDSNETWORK PLATFORM (incl shares & investment trusts)

Since RDR very few insurance/investment companies allow the sale of investment bonds on execution only. Please check with us for individual companies to see if we can help by offering competitive discounts as before with new bonds or top ups. Please be aware that if you do go direct to the company concerned, they will `charge’ to sell you a bond post RDR.

How to invest

Please ring us on 0800 032 5433 requesting your application form. You will be advised to read the investment company’s literature and key features / simplified prospectus online and will need to sign our investment agreement to confirm you have done this. Please ensure that you read all up to date literature even for existing investments in case there have been any changes. Please also read our terms on our website under the small print tab.

We would also like to draw your attention to the Important Notes on Investments.

We suggest you get your application to us in plenty of time as Royal Mail services are not guaranteed.

Investment cheques must be payable to the insurance / investment company, not to Power Robbins.

Application forms and investment cheques must be sent via Power Robbins to obtain our services – please use our freepost envelope – our postal address is Power Robbins, PO Box 1090, Horsham, West Sussex RH12 9YN

We only accept applications from:

  • UK residents with payments made from UK (not offshore) bank accounts.
  • The applicant will use their own personal / joint account cheque, not from a trading account, and the applicant’s name will be printed on the cheque by the bank.


Check List


  • Our blue Investment Agreement, signed & dated by you (and joint investor)
  • Investment company’s application form completed, signed and dated
  • The investment cheque from the investor’s own (or joint) personal UK bank account
  • DIRECT DEBITS –Please enclose an ORIGINAL bank statement for the account used, dated within the last 3 months SHOWING YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS, to prove that the monies used come from your own (or joint) personal, non-trading, UK bank or building society account. The statement will be returned to you promptly.

What Happens Next

We process and forward applications to the investment company the same working day by first class post (extreme weather permitting), provided we have received a completed and signed application form, cheque (if applicable) together with our investment agreement form and an original bank statement if required (see checklist above).

Prevention of Money Laundering requirements – our obligation to verify the identity and address of each investor before sending investments will normally be carried out electronically using an external reference agency. We will, however, request documentary evidence from investors when the required evidence is not available electronically.

We will send you confirmation that your application has been forwarded.

We ask investment companies to send documentation regarding your investments direct to you, if you do not hear in a reasonable time frame, please let us know and we will chase this for you.

We do our best to check all applications, but we cannot be held responsible for any delays caused by incorrectly completed documentation / forms.

Please ensure you read our full terms and conditions, as well as those for your investment and read our leaflet `about our service’ to ensure you enclose the right information including our signed investment agreement.  Please ask us to send you all the relevant information for your investment and our general investor pack. Power Robbins have no hidden charges or penalties of any kind and you are always free to seek professional advice elsewhere should you need it.  We cannot accept any liability for links to external websites, please read our website terms and conditions.  E&OE